do u listen?
do u trust them?
do u compromise?
do u communicate well?
do u tryin to trust them?
do u belittle said person?
do u make time for them?
do u treat them with respect?
do u enjoy time spent 2gether?
do u want them in ur life 4 long?
do u purposely hurt each other?
do u both admit when u r wrong?
do u put in as much as u get out?
do u appreciate the things they do?
do u try to understand their feelings?
do ya have some of the same beliefs?
do they appreciate the things you do?
do they try their best to keep u happy?
do u 4give them when they are wrong?
do u try to keep them as happy as u can?
do u do things that the other person like?
do u think ur life would be better without them?
do u compare them to someone who is "better" often?
do u have to buy them things to prove ur love for them?
do u respect their beliefs even if u urself dont believe them?
do u always have to back down in a fight n just let them win?
do u have to be someone u are not just to make them happy?
do u do things that will affect them then not care that it does?
do u care about the time u spent in this "ship" with said person?
All this stuff is easy for me, but most women look for the external in a guy, so being that I am not superfical, I get overlook (Their loss...)